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Hospitality industry veterans, Max Trujillo and Matthew Weiss, get behind the scenes of North Carolina's burgeoning food and beverage culture. Hear from local chefs, sommelier's, distillers, farmers, brewers and the whole lot of them in the NC F&B podcast. 

"Our intention is to create a behind-the-scenes conversation between industry professionals. Whether we are speaking with an advanced level sommelier about their wine program or a chef about breaking down an entire pig, we just want the conversation to be real, unedited and honest. The food and beverage world is a unique industry, and North Carolina's food scene is growing everyday.

Take a listen. We hope to entertain, teach and inspire while offering some specific information about the NC food scene."

 -Max & Matt

Jun 14, 2018

These two not only do, they teach too.


You would have to be out of your mind to convert a 1959 Airstream Tradewind trailer into a food truck, wouldn’t you? Well, when Chef Paul Malcolm and Chef Brian Campbell are not instructing perspective chefs (at Johnson and Wales Charlotte) they are retrofitting their historic RV into being one of the top food trucks in Charlotte, NC!


Hear how Chefs Paul and Brian plotted to win the ACF culinary cup in Orlando, Florida, that victory would be the impetus for Streamline Kitchen Food Truck. Listen closely for tips on grilling, food organization and cooking education.